5 Ways to Manage Your Growing Online Business Without the Chaos

Hey, what are you doing right now? How many tabs do you have opened on your browser? How many of those tabs are constantly running in the background, slowing everything down and probably on the verge of crashing? So what are you really doing? Ask yourself, is this growth or organized chaos? Not long ago you were so excited about launching your online business, a handful of clients, a manageable inbox (the RFPs, enquiries, orders… that made you smile from ear to ear), oh and lest we forget the sweet freedom of being your own boss! Now fast forward to today, a monster inbox, and your to-do list is now a book, almost getting to a series. Late-night emails and coffee are now your bosom buddy. If only you could clone yourself. Maybe in a couple of years but while we await that technology, here is a couple of solutions, that don’t require superhuman powers; So what are you really doing? Ask yourself, is this growth or organized chaos?

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Freelance Client Onboarding: Essential for Client Satisfaction and Project Success

In the fast-paced world of freelancing, it’s common for freelancers to handle multiple clients and projects at once. This makes the client onboarding process a crucial factor in determining project…

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